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Why I support Rewilding

Why I support Rewilding

I am donating one third of the profits from my book Carbon Choices to rewilding projects.  In this blog I will explain why I support rewilding and who I have supported.

Insulate your Home

Insulate your Home

Given the soaring cost of gas and electricity how can I better insulate my home?  This blog will stimulate some ideas for you.

Climate Optimism

Climate Optimism

Why on Earth is a serious writer on climate change writing a blog on 'Climate Optimism'?  Simply, because the solutions to climate change have multiple benefits for people, society and the environment. 

24 Advent Climate Wishes

24 Advent Climate Wishes

In this blog, I select 24 recommendations from the action plan within my book Carbon Choices.  These are 24 things that I wish government, business and/ or individuals would choose to do.

Community Gardens

Community Gardens

Guest blog by Craig Wright, a freelance copywriter with a keen interest in environmentalism and community-based climate activism.

COP26 - A glass half full?

COP26 - A glass half full?

COP26 has been and gone.  Should I be glad that something was agreed, or sad that it is clearly not enough?  Glass half full, or half empty?  Optimistic or pessimistic?  Read on to reveal my mix of emotions.

Smoking and Climate - an analogy

Smoking and Climate - an analogy

In this article I outline how we have waged a 'war' against the harm caused by smoking over several decades and how this is a good analogy for how society should tackle our climate crisis.  First published as an opinion piece in the Scotsman on 8 October 2021.

Should I buy an Electric Car?

Should I buy an Electric Car?

Guest blog by Chloe Davies who specialises in content creation regarding the UK energy market.   Should I buy an electric car?

12 'radical' Climate Change Solutions

12 'radical' Climate Change Solutions

I've set myself a difficult challenge.  To identify 12 solutions to solve climate change.  Of course I could suggest "stop burning fossil fuels" but that would not be very helpful or practical.  So, here we go with some ideas that are not yet mainstream.....