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Costa Rica – a Sustainable Paradise?

Can sustainable tourism work?  I was fortunate to enjoy a 2-week holiday in Costa Rica, travelling with Intrepid Travel, a company with a strong sustainability and community ethos.  Here are my impressions of Costa Rica.

10 Heat Pump Facts

Learn from my experience of installing a heat pump at home, then copy me if you can.

Good News Environmental Stories for 2023

Good News Environmental Stories for 2023

Seven positive and uplifting stories for you.  Sometimes we need to hear good news to cheer us up, be optimistic and to keep fighting for the better future that we deserve.

Santa turns a shade of green

Something different!  A short 1,000 word story for adults and children on how owl helped Santa to become more green with his Christmas presents.

Installing a heat pump

Learn from my experience of installing a heat pump at home. 

Cost of Energy Explained

Why has the cost of energy for our homes gone up so much?  Why has an increase in the price of natural gas affected the cost of electricity?  Welcome to the wonderful world of energy economics, explained as simply as I can!

Home Energy Grants

Here I share my experience of applying for grants and loans for energy efficiency and installing renewables at home.

Can we, should we, buy less stuff?

A short question that is not easy to answer.  Here I discuss if, and how, we can reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ we buy and consume and argue that we should campaign to promote a better quality of life.

My Electric Vehicle Adventures

My Electric Vehicle Adventures

Exciting news. I bought a second-hand electric vehicle (EV).  A big expense.  Was it worth it?