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Climate Blogs to share

In this article, I weave the various themes of my blogs together.  These blogs aim to be interesting, and to educate and inspire.   

Climate Impacts

Six months on from the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow I feel like I am living in a parallel universe. In one, there are bold ambitions from politicians and business leaders announcing 'groundbreaking' net zero targets.  Meanwhile in the real world our climate ignores these future 'promises' and follows the science.  

The Super Rich

Can you be rich and green? How should you spend a windfall to 'save' the planet?

The Future of Heating

Government advisers are struggling to recommend ways to heat our homes that are effective, acceptable to the public, not too expensive and don’t pollute our atmosphere.  Here are my personal thoughts on this great conundrum.

The Impact of Fast Fashion

The Impact of Fast Fashion

Guest blog by Green Heart Collective, a social enterprise based in Gateshead that provides an alternative to landfill for 'preloved' clothing.

We need to talk about tax

There are three broad solutions to climate change - taxation, regulations and behaviour change by individuals.  So why do we usually talk about behaviour change? 

How to Double your Carbon Emissions (without breaking sweat)

A hard hitting, thought provoking blog.  If it is easy to double your emissions, is it equally easy to halve them?

Invasive Species - Community Action

Invasive Species - Community Action

In this blog I will explain why I am concerned about invasive species - what my small contribution has been - and why community action is the key to controlling them.

Why I support Rewilding

Why I support Rewilding

I am donating one third of the profits from my book Carbon Choices to rewilding projects.  In this blog I will explain why I support rewilding and who I have supported.