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Which way?

Carbon Choices - 200 word synopsis

A short summary of the book I am writing - to be published September 2020 before the Glasgow Climate Conference

Carbon Choices tells the greatest story on planet Earth.  How one group of sociable animals came to emit 40 billion tonnes (40,000,000,000) of an invisible gas each year, unwittingly changing the chemistry of the atmosphere and the oceans, and steadily destroying the life support systems that humans and wildlife depend on.  It takes a fresh perspective on how the excessive consumption by wealthier people has unwittingly driven us into climate and wildlife crises, and considers the psychology that drives us to buy more ‘stuff’ and whether this makes us happier.

Carbon Choices identifies ten building blocks required to enable us to build a more sustainable future; and five common-sense principles that can guide us in the decisions that we make every day.  These are then applied to our daily lives – our diets, homes, travel, buying stuff and leisure activities.  If we choose to follow these five principles, we can begin to reverse the damage that humans are causing to our climate and wildlife; and improve our society, make us healthier, happier and more fulfilled. 

This book will also help businesses and consumers to influence governments to set the right regulatory framework; encourage businesses to offer consumers better choices; and empower individuals to make better choices to protect our climate and for wildlife.